Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stop! Collaborate and listen!

So we started getting into our design project for real today. And you know what happens what you put four, brilliant, architectural minds together... Well, if you do let us know because we sure don't.

Our project, a mixed use building that must be able to expand/convert for changing economic environments, deals with many of the issues that projects back in Minnesota have, primarily public space. But it's also in a culture and climate that we are almost completely alien to. Also, even though we have a client (the Biloxi Housing Authority), the actual users of the space are unknown. In fact, what makes the design most difficult is not knowing what this town will be like a few years from now. Being a quasi-ghost town, just about everything seems inappropriate architecturally.

But all in all, we are excited for the chance to present our ideas and maybe have an impact on how the primary arterial of East Biloxi gets reinvented following decades of disintegration, not to mention a few hurricanes. More to come soon...

1 comment:

  1. james,

    you should use more periods and less...ellipses...or something.

    re: your site...
